Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Alas, the past few months have been tough for a person that loves to read. Back in Sept, I went to my eye doctor for a checkup and was told I have cataracts. A trip to an eye surgeon followed with numerous tests etc since there were 'issues' with one of the optic nerves. Finally, all things being sorted, in mid Oct I went under the laser. First, I didn't know that I'd lose my near vision (seems the only multi focal lenses I could opt for cost almost $3000 per eye OVER insurance pay out), so that was a total shock after everything was said and done. Then, the saga began. My eye continued to feel 'off'. I had extreme sensitivity to light and even pain. Everyone kept telling me that cataract surgery was suppose to be 'a piece of cake', but it wasn't turning out that way for me!

Finally, after dealing with everything for a month, I reached the end of my patience and called the surgeon and basically said we need to fix the eye or just remove it! Everyone acted so shocked...of course, they weren't in my skin, enduring the pain and total disruption of their lives! I figured the eye wasn't functioning, might as well ditch it and go on from there!

Well, after another trip into the surgeon's office it was determined that I have iritis. Thereupon started a rather aggressive spat of steroid eyedrops, followed by even more eye drops and eye lubricates. I am finally down to doing 1 steroid drop a day, with another drop 4 times a day and an eye lubricate 4 times a day, combined with warm compresses morning and night.

The eye is a bit better (crossing my fingers here!). The light sensitivity is still here, but seems a bit better most days. I can't deal with fluorescent is like pins being drilled through my eyes. I've not gotten new glasses yet because of all the issues with the eye, so am relying on the over the counter 'readers' for any close up work. It is definitely a learning curve to remember that I have to have an artificial assistance to do something as simple as read the instructions on a box mix! The eyes feel weak and just not up to par. It is a struggle to read, so I find myself doing less and less reading. For someone who never went anywhere without at least one book, this is probably the biggest adjustment of all. I am hoping and praying that eventually things are going to level out and I will be able to reestablish some level of reading in my life.

I postponed indefinitely the planned surgery on the other eye. Couldn't bring myself to place myself in a position where both eyes would be totally out of commission. If I could only have known what I do now, I'd have taken my chances with the cataracts!